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Aramaic Codes Pack for CodeFinder

Item Number: CFME-AMCP-001

File Type: EXE

Download Size: 6,852 KBytes

Price: USD 4.95 (Instant Download)


The Aramaic codes pack contains the Khabouris manuscript and 1909 Syriac manuscript prepared for Bible code searches in the CodeFinder Millennium Edition Bible Code Software program. It also has electronically scrambled versions of each to use as statistical control texts.

Web Site:

Product Created: 2005-03-14

Cipher Codes Pack for CodeFinder

Item Number: CFME-CICP-001

File Type: EXE

Download Size: 8,999 KBytes

Price: USD 4.95 (Instant Download)


The Cipher codes pack contains the Hebrew Torah and Tanach using 3 different Rabbinically accepted letter substitution methods (Atbach, Albam, and Atbash) prepared for Bible code searches in the CodeFinder Millennium Edition Bible Code Software program.

Web Site:

Product Created: 2005-03-14

CodeFinder Millennium Edition: Bible Code Software

Item Number: CFME-WEB-1.23

File Type: EXE

Download Size: 19,563 KBytes

Price: USD 47.95 (Instant Download)


CodeFinder Millennium Edition is the world's fastest and most powerful Bible Code Software. With CodeFinder you will be able to search for your name and past, present, or even future, events directly from your own PC. There is no simpler way to search for English, Greek or Hebrew Bible Codes than with the CodeFinder Millennium Edition Bible Code software.

Web Site:

Product Created: 2008-09-20

EasySim Digital Simulator Site License

Item Number: ESSL-IFW-002

File Type: EXE

Download Size: 5,395 KBytes

Price: USD 129.95 (Instant Download)


EasySim Site Licenced Version.

EasySim has been a leading edge Digital Electronics Simulation software package for many years. It is an easy to use, yet sophisticated, software tool that integrates the process of designing and simulating the operation of digital electronic circuitry within the context of a Microsoft Windows environment. EasySim was primarily developed to cater for late secondary, early tertiary students and electronics hobbyists. EasySim is in use by many thousands of students and is an indispensable part of the curriculum in many hundreds of secondary schools, colleges and universities world-wide.

Web Site:

Product Created: 2005-04-06

EasySim Digital Simulator software for Windows

Item Number: ESSU-IFW-001

File Type: EXE

Download Size: 5,445 KBytes

Price: USD 14.95 (Instant Download)


EasySim Single User Version.

EasySim has been a leading edge Digital Electronics Simulation software package for many years. It is an easy to use, yet sophisticated, software tool that integrates the process of designing and simulating the operation of digital electronic circuitry within the context of a Microsoft Windows environment. EasySim was primarily developed to cater for late secondary, early tertiary students and electronics hobbyists. EasySim is in use by many thousands of students and is an indispensable part of the curriculum in many hundreds of secondary schools, colleges and universities world-wide.

Web Site:

Product Created: 2005-03-26

Greek Codes Pack for CodeFinder

Item Number: CFME-GRCP-001

File Type: EXE

Download Size: 7,022 KBytes

Price: USD 4.95 (Instant Download)


The Greek NT codes pack contains 5 Greek New Testament manuscripts prepared for Bible code searches in the CodeFinder Millennium Edition Bible Code Software program. It also has the Greek text of Josephus' book, Jewish Antiquities, to use as a statistical control text.

Web Site:

Product Created: 2005-03-14

Music from the Torah: Bible Music Software

Item Number: MuFTT-WEB-001

File Type: EXE

Download Size: 8,572 KBytes

Price: USD 17.95 (Instant Download)


Music from the Torah is a totally unique project. By mapping Biblical text directly to musical notes, it can generate an almost infinite series of tuneful and relaxing melodies, limited only by the users imagination.

This software is suitable for Window's based PCs only.

Web Site:

Product Created: 2005-03-26

Which I Commanded: Music from the Torah MP3 track

Item Number: WIC-MP3-001

File Type: MP3

Download Size: 2,946 KBytes

Price: USD 1.89 (Instant Download)


A interesting little melody derived from the Music from the Torah program.

Use it as a ring tone for your mobile or just add it to your MP3 player.

Web Site:

Product Created: 2005-03-26

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