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Codes in the Bible |
Aramaic NT search texts Aramaic code pack contains the Khabouris manuscript and 1909 Syriac manuscript prepared for Bible code searches in the CodeFinder: Millennium Edition program. It also has electronically scrambled versions of each to use as statistical control texts. ad2004.com/shopping/ |
Bible Codes Breakthrough eBook An E-book in PDF format with extensive Bible code matrices, intended to teach people how to do research in the Bible codes themselves. biblecodes.us/pages/biblecodesbreakthrough.html |
Cipher search texts Cipher code pack contains the Hebrew Torah and Tanach using 3 different Rabbinically accepted letter substitution methods (Atbach, Albam, and Atbash) prepared for Bible code searches in the CodeFinder: Millennium Edition program. ad2004.com/shopping/ |
CodeFinder: ME 1.23 World's #1 ranked Bible codes program. Used by top Bible code researchers. ad2004.com/shopping/codefinder.html |
Greek NT search texts Greek NT code pack contains 5 Greek New Testament manuscripts prepared for Bible code searches in the CodeFinder: Millennium Edition program. It also has the Greek text of Josephus' book, Jewish Antiquities, to use as a statistical control text. ad2004.com/shopping/ |
MuFTT An experimental method of research looking for musical meaning in the Hebrew Torah and Tanach using equidistant letter spacing (ELS) methods. Very interesting preliminary results have been found, but one should be musically talented to delve into this research. ad2004.com/shopping/ |
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