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2009 World Indoor Snow Guide

Item Number: 2009 WSDR

File Type: DOC

Download Size: 2,552 KBytes

Price: USD 100.00 (Instant Download)


The World Indoor Snow Centre Guide, compiled by Patrick Thorne of Snow365 in conjunction with numerous industry experts, is a unique report that lists every indoor snow centre built – around 80 in the past 20 years, which includes those that have subsequently closed, and all the companies around the world that are involved in building them.

The World Indoor Snow Centre Guide also includes details of indoor snow centres likely to be constructed over the next five years and details the biggest, widest, highest and longest slopes and the 20+ countries which now have indoor snow centres.

The World Indoor Snow Centre Guide extends to more than 40,000 words and 250 pages and has been updated more than 60 times since the first edition in 2003.

The World Indoor Snow Centre Guide contains more than 100 images from indoor snow centres around the world. For each indoor snow centre the Guide contains a description, opening date, slope and lift details and contact information including website and address. Similar information is available on the companies that are involved in building indoor snow centres.

Table of Contents:

- Introduction

- Table showing number of indoor snow centres by country.

- Table showing world’s 17 longest indoor slopes.

- Table showing world’s 16 biggest indoor slopes by area.

- Table showing world’s 12 biggest indoor vertical drops.

- Table of indoor snow centres built (including those since closed),

- Table of indoor snow centres under construction.

- Table of indoor snow centres that currently seem likely to be built.

- Table of other proposed indoor snow centres with no specified completion date.

- Table of indoor snow centres once proposed but unlikely to now be built.

- Directory of main indoor snow making companies.

- Directory of main indoor snow centre construction companies.

- Directory of other related indoor snow business.

- Directory of Indoor Snow Facility Equipment Suppliers

- A brief history of indoor snow making.

- Indoor Skiing – The Environmental Issues

- 50 things to do on indoor snow.

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Product Created: 2009-05-21

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