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Dr. Eric C. Sayre, PhD

Product Listing for Item 1 of 1

VWUO-MD Data mining software for hypothesis generation

Item Number: VWUO-MD-v1.12

File Type: 12_PAID_.ZIP

Download Size: 397 KBytes

Price: CAD 9.99 (Instant Download)


Short description:
Dr. Eric C. Sayre, PhD is a scientist, statistician, author and programmer. Eric is well-published, with over 100 publications since 1997. In Eric's PhD research, he developed a new method of unsupervised learning (hypothesis generation) designed specifically for mixed-type data (continuous, ordinal, nominal, binary symmetric and binary asymmetric), along with data mining software to perform the analyses. Variable-Weighted Ultrametric Optimization for Mixed-Type Data (VWUO-MD) is useful in identifying new, complex relationships between variables of many different kinds, for example between a multitude of health conditions, socio-economic and geographic factors, and health services utilization patterns. VWUO-MD is a valuable tool for exploiting the increasing multitude of highly multivariate, mixed-type databases available to researchers and industry, in developing new, previously unthought-of hypotheses.

Visit for more information, an abstract, links to the complete PhD thesis and user's guide, and a FREE TRIAL version of the software.

WARNING: To read the Software Performance Limitations and End User Software License Agreement to which you are agreeing when purchasing this program, and to download a FREE TRIAL version (recommended), visit BEFORE purchasing this program.

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Product Created: 2011-03-08

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