Q. Some
other sites charge up to 15% commission or require a fixed monthly
subscription. How does your charging system work?
A. We
charge a fixed commission of 3.5% on the sale cost, debited from a
pre-paid balance. This is subject to a minimum of
US$0.10 per
transaction. We display the applicable fee in your product
details listing.
Q. I see that accounts are required to be pre-paid on your
system. What happens if my credit expires?
A. If your credit expires we will send you an email
notifying you of the fact. From the sending of the email you have 7
days grace in which to restore your account to credit. After 7 days
the system will automatically disable your sales links. These will
instantly be restored once your account is in credit again.
Q. What products can I sell on your system?
A. If it can be saved to a file for download then you can
sell it on our system. However, you must have the rights to sell it
and it must be legal.
Q. I've used other systems and AOL customers, in
particular, keep complaining that they are unable to access their
A. Here at Web Delivery Solutions we use HTTP transfers.
This ensures that even paranoid AOL security settings don't block
the download.
Q. How do I know that a customer won't make multiple
A. You will receive a confirmation message for every
successful download. This, in conjunction with a limited download
count and time, ensure that you know exactly how many times and to
what IP address your customer is downloading.